CAD and Network Optimization Services
History and Bio
It seems like yesterday I was completing my engineering degree at The Georgia Institute of Technology and heading out to the Silicon Valley where I would work on various electro-mechanical design projects for a variety of local firms. Part of my learning curve was figuring out how to load up a package of floppy disks my boss plopped onto my desk. I can still hear him saying, “It’s something called AutoCAD – you’re a sharp guy so figure it out.” Figure it out I did (along with SDRC, CALMA, Microstation, Pro-E and a few others) and before I knew it I’d become the CAD manager having never really sought out the job.
Moving back to the Atlanta area gave me the chance to pursue my engineering career further but it was always my CAD expertise that differentiated me. It seemed I was destined to become the alpha CAD user wherever I went as CAD users sought me out for advice and support. After 4 years of performing CAD management “in my spare time,” I finally received the title, staff and managerial authority to undertake CAD management on a formal basis.
Forming the Company
In 1992 – due to my employer’s abrupt business shut down – I took the plunge into running my own consulting practice doing all manner of custom programming, training and support work in the Atlanta area and Robert Green Consulting was born. My consulting practice has grown and continues to this day 31 years later. While the business model remains the same the challenges and technology continue to evolve and that’s what makes it interesting. I’m proud to have consulted for companies like Autodesk, BricsCAD, Hewlett Packard, PEER, Synergis – companies with which I have strategic alliances – as well as a variety of smaller firms.
All I ever strived to do was help companies handle the complexity of managing their entire CAD ecosystem. Using the logic that users use software, software runs on computers, and computers work in networks – my company has embraced the total system with sole goal of making it all work optimally together.
Spreading the Word
As the years have gone by I’ve chosen to market my firm via good old fashioned word of mouth. I’ve spoken at Autodesk University since 1994 (earning three top speaker awards along the way) as well as AUGI CAD Camps, Synergis University, CAD Midwest, and AU Extension events as far away as London and Dubai. In addition to speaking I’ve been writing about hardware, software and CAD management topics for CADENCE/Cadalyst magazine since 1998. Now twenty years, 23 Autodesk Universities, 151 columns and over 500 CAD Manager’s newsletters later I feel privileged to continue my public speaking and writing career as it keeps me in the community and in touch with the day to day issues that affect CAD users and managers. (If you’d like to check out a condensed version of my writings I’ve got a book on CAD management (Expert CAD Management: The Complete Guide) which can be obtained via Amazon.)
Bringing it all Together
Whether your company needs a technology audit, planning, implementation or software/network optimization my company is here to help. It all starts with a conversation so why not give us a call? I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Robert Green
Resources For Users, CAD Managers, IT Managers and Senior Leadership
This site strives to provide a variety of information for all manner of personnel who deal with CAD. Whether it’s planning, customization, standards, training, network optimization or obtaining a better return on your CAD investment we hope you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
The CAD world changes rapidly so the site changes often. Be sure to check in frequently and always feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or suggestions that could help make a better resource for you.
Robert Green
[email protected]
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